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Drive change

Energy enables us to keep moving forward. It is one of the most important human needs and as time progresses, people will become more dependent on it. Warming our home when cold, lighting our room when dark and fueling our body when hungry are simple examples where energy plays a crucial role. What matters the most though is how we generate it and how efficiently we use it. The answers to these questions have a great impact on the environment and our lives. If we want to keep moving forward, we need a healthy planet.

This is why we, working alongside Alpek, are committed to solving the various sustainability challenges we face as a society. At Alpek, ESG is a part of all decision-making processes. To learn more about our group’s strategy on ESG, please visit Alpek.


Great ideas are born in inspired people. This is why we would like to share with you some of the projects we have been involved in. If you have an idea where we can help, want to collaborate with us or know ways to improve what we so far have done, please do not hesitate to reach out. We will be glad to hear from you and get down to work together.

Removing carbon from the atmosphere

We are assisting in the restoration of a 250-acre forest located in Northern Mexico, which was damaged by drought and fire. Being true to our philosophy, our team decided to volunteer in the restoration activities and invited our clients and suppliers to join us.

Promoting the hydrogen industry in Mexico

We are aware that natural gas is a transition fuel and, nowadays, the cleanest and most economical available. Nonetheless, a lot of research has been made on cleaner energy sources trying to find a replacement for natural gas. Our team wants to be one step ahead of this transition.

Collaborating with Alfa Fundación

Alfa Fundación focuses on public school students who stand out for their high intellectual capacity, creativity and drive, who are selected since junior high and accompanied along the way until they finish college. In 2021, the fourth generation, composed of 132 high school students, graduated. 100% of them received some type of scholarship to continue their studies in universities in Mexico and the USA. Currently, Alfa Fundación supports 581 high school graduates so they can continue their college studies.